HomeCLOUD COMPUTINGCloud Computing: The Ideal Solution For Any Company

Cloud Computing: The Ideal Solution For Any Company

You must have heard of cloud computing (cloud computing), right? One of the terms of the moment when it comes to IT deserves to be approached with attention, as it raises many doubts in ordinary people and even professionals.

Can Cloud computing benefit companies of all sizes, or is it exclusive to the largest? Are there many types of clouds, or is there just one? Although these issues may seem simple, they often make it difficult for the company to obtain better results.

As competition is fierce, the technology sector must always be aware of possibilities to reduce costs, automate tasks and optimize the institution’s results.

Therefore, this post will show you everything you need to know to adopt a good cloud computing service and choose the best options. Good reading!

What Is Cloud Computing?

In the Internet and Technology age, it seemed anachronistic to still need to install programs on all of the company’s machines. After all, couldn’t services work over the Internet?

In this scenario, Cloud Computing has become a technology that uses connectivity and scale to make the various resources needed to be hosted on the Internet. We can include information, files, programs, and even infrastructure resources in this sense.

This allows consumers to access services or files from any device that has a connection, such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone. This way, people no longer need to turn on a specific machine to do their desired work.

To exemplify this, you probably know Google Docs, the online document editing platform. With it, it is possible to use the main tools of an editor without having to install programs on the computer.

Other examples are Netflix and Spotify. Although they can also work through applications, accessing the services directly from the web is possible.

In all cases, it is not necessary to download programs or installations — access them from anywhere with an Internet connection, and your data will be safe.

How Was Cloud Computing Born?

The term Cloud Computing, or Cloud Computing, first appeared in the late 90s. It appeared in a lecture by Ramnath Chellappa, although the concept may be older, being thrown at John McCarthy.

In 1960, he predicted that computing could have public utility and work for shared time. His idea is that it would be possible for the same computer to be used by several people simultaneously. With the everyday use of computers, it is possible to make better use of resources, reducing costs and increasing productivity. And all this is close to what we have today as Cloud Computing.

With it, you can communicate in real-time and even share data globally.

Cloud Computing’s commercial history began in 2008. At that time, companies of various sizes began to adhere to the concept. In 2013, companies already had great acceptance of the model, which allowed data storage, programs, and even infrastructure to be like an electricity bill, in which consumers only pay for what they use.

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How Does Cloud Computing Work?

To work, cloud computing uses a remote server so that consumer or user devices are connected to centralized resources. It can store all the information and data necessary for the execution of programs or services, allowing the addition, edition, or deletion of information and properties anywhere in the world.

In this sense, there are three types of clouds: private, public, and hybrid. Understanding how each work is essential for companies thinking about using or creating cloud services.

Could You Find Out About Each Of Them Below?

Public Cloud

The public Cloud has computational resources, ranging from servers to storage services provided by companies. In this case, anyone can hire, according to availability and interest.

Thus, all information sent to the Cloud is the customer’s responsibility, which may be a backup service or use of applications. The provider will only be concerned with ensuring that the server is maintained correctly and managing resources efficiently and securely.

In this sense, all resources are shared among clients simultaneously but separately so that one does not have access to the data of others. In this way, the available resources are standardized.

Companies that opt ​​for this type of Cloud usually pay a lower price. Therefore, it is indicated for institutions that want or need to save money.

Private Cloud

The company maintains the entire infrastructure in its domain in the private Cloud. With this, only authorized people can access the resources. Thus, it is possible to customize the various functions and support all the needs of companies.

When the Cloud is created with the institution in mind, all processes will be designed to meet business demands. Therefore, it is used by companies that need to follow particular rules and regulations and take care of the security and privacy of information and data in a defined and optimized way. This is the case for several financial institutions and government agencies.

Hybrid Cloud

Finally, the hybrid Cloud is the one that unites the best of the previous two, allowing data and applications to be shared between both. In this way, the company defines which resources need to be worked on privately and which can be in a public cloud. The information is connected through technology, allowing the company to have, at the same time, economy and security.

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