HomeTECHNOLOGY6 Customer Experience Metrics You Need To Know

6 Customer Experience Metrics You Need To Know

Knowing the customer experience metrics is the only way to gather information about what can be done to attract, satisfy, conquer, delight, retain, and engage the customer.

They can reveal the weaknesses and bottlenecks that you need to pay attention to if you want to improve the experience, deliver superior value and gain a position of authority for your brand.

But, if this is to be summed up, this importance is in translating what the voice says into numbers so that it can point out what you need to do in the search for more and more success. So let’s get down to business. Check out the fundamentals of Customer Experience (CX) and the metrics we selected!

Customer Experience Fundamentals

To develop an attractive CX strategy that helps stimulate the promoter customer, we need to consider the principles that the company should pursue. So the metrics make more sense. There are 4 of them, and they are described in the topics below.


At CX, every interaction is a unique opportunity to satisfy the customer. Therefore, it doesn’t matter if he is looking for information, wants to make a purchase, or is even irritated by something he doesn’t like. All these moments are relevant to generate a good relationship and capturing data to improve the company’s practices.

Incidentally, complaints play a special role in identifying points for improvement, mainly because, for every customer who complains, several others may have stopped buying without any manifestation.


If all companies provide an experience of equal value to the customer, the benefit is not realized once it becomes normal. CX needs to be unique and special so that the consumer identifies it as a differential and, thus, generates loyalty and engagement.

Key Customer Experience Metrics

Improving the customer experience should be a constant concern. But since what matters is his perception of the relevance and value of what the company delivers, the only way to identify what needs improvement is to measure this information using the metrics below.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS is widely used around the world, and you’ll understand why. At the same time, it manages to be simple and efficient, as it can raise satisfaction subtly – which makes a big difference.

If you ask a customer if he is satisfied with the service or product and he answers “yes,” you do not have an exact measure of his level of satisfaction, but only the percentage of those who declare themselves satisfied — for actually being or prefer not to reveal their dissatisfaction.

However, NPS uses a unique, indirect question you’ve undoubtedly noticed. The question is: on a scale of 0 to 10, how likely would you recommend our product or service to a friend?

Using a scale provides a measure of satisfaction. Furthermore, as the question is not aimed directly at satisfaction but to indicate, it facilitates obtaining a more sincere and qualified answer. In addition, you can include other questions that complement your research.

Churn Rate

The Churn Rate measures the rate of customer churn and is widely used in companies that sell subscriptions. The way to obtain it is simple: divide the number of customers who canceled by the total number of customers. If you don’t sell subscriptions, you can use it to measure the rate of customers who have stopped buying.

Customer Effort Score (CES)

The Customer Effort Score is a measure of customer effort. To understand, imagine that he is looking for a product and is attracted by an ad that conveys the desired message. However, he found it difficult to make the purchase, as he needed to find detailed information important for the decision or the means of payment he would like to use, for example.

This metric may measure the efficiency or ease of service delivered to the customer, but it is also an indirect measure of customer satisfaction as it influences their shopping experience.

This model emerged at Harvard and can be measured based on research, which is the only way to find out how the customer perceives the ease or difficulty of doing business with your company. A single question can be revealed: from 1 to 5, how easy was it to solve your problem? The correspondences are as follows:

1 – extremely easy;

2 – easy;

3 – Norm;

4 – difficult;

5 – extremely difficult.

The percentage of responses corresponding to options 1 and 2 represents the number of satisfied customers with the facilities offered by the shopping experience. This is a methodology worth delving into.

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

This is the traditional satisfaction survey metric and is measured with a direct question: “How do you rate your satisfaction with our services and products?”. Note that it differs from simply asking whether the consumer is satisfied, as it allows recording the degree of satisfaction and not just the number of satisfied customers.

Average Service Time

No customer wants a lengthy service, especially if it’s an hourly service. Therefore, although time does not directly reflect the customer’s perception of service quality, it measures the company’s efficiency in delivering a good experience.

At the same time, knowing how to use this metric properly is necessary, as excessive pressure to reduce this time can lead to a lack of attention from the consumer. That is, being agile cannot rush the team to the point of conveying the feeling that the attendant wants to “get rid of the customer” as quickly as possible — which increases the importance of a qualified and capable team in solving problems.

Call Resolution

This metric raises the number of customers who resolved their problem in the first call. The need to make several contacts in the same call is a double negative point; that is, it impairs the experience and increases costs.

Now you know important Customer Experience metrics, but we have yet to talk in detail about how to operationalize these numbers. The first thing to know about this is that you don’t take advantage of the metrics while dedicating yourself to collecting the data, but when they are available to be easily analyzed, which requires structuring the company.

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