HomeTECHNOLOGYThe Site That Doesn't Sell: The Three Most Common Mistakes

The Site That Doesn’t Sell: The Three Most Common Mistakes

You may need to ensure you have a site that doesn’t sell. Discover the three most common ones and increase your sales with the NetStrategy article. In recent years, eCommerce, as a concept and as a business, has exploded like a firework into consumers’ lives and continues to grow exponentially every day.

However, owning a successful eCommerce takes work, mainly due to the vast competition. Online sales sites are springing up like mushrooms from all over the web, but not all of them manage to make their way online. Why? Because there are many things to pay attention to, and especially there are some things that need to be corrected, under penalty of low visibility and non-existent customer loyalty. Do you want to find out what are the three mistakes not to make your eCommerce work better? So let’s leave immediately.

First Impressions Matter, “Impress Well”!

The first mistake not to make is to underestimate the graphics and image of your eCommerce. The presentation page of your sales site, therefore the first page that the user sees, must be as appealing as possible. The user needs a glance and a quick scroll  to understand if:

  1. Your eCommerce is severe and therefore worthy of trust
  2. Your eCommerce satisfies its need quickly and easily
  3. Your eCommerce has competitive prices and what shipping cost policy it adopts.

All this with just one glance, how? Try to put yourself in the shoes of a potential buyer looking for a particular product. If you had to arrive at an online sales site with poor graphics, not in line with the modern and most famous eCommerce (such as Amazon or Zalando), without an original and captivating logo, what would you think? You would think nothing. You would automatically turn around and start over with the online search. Building a reassuring image is the first step to take if you want to continue this online activity, but this must be combined with another feature:  ease of use. 

The user must be able to find what he landed on your eCommerce in a fast and orderly manner. The search bar, for example, must always be in the foreground so that the user sees it immediately, avoiding the stress of having to search for that and the product. If the user, on the other hand, is still in the “walk around and see what they offer” phase, he must be able to get an idea of ​​who you are and what you sell right from the first page.

The about us is also crucial in this case because it is a primary information tool for the visitor, but don’t forget to offer exciting products on the front page (perhaps under the banner of your eCommerce) to intrigue the visitor and prompt him to continue browsing.

Images Are Everything. Are Yours Effective?

It doesn’t matter if you sell fishing equipment or designer clothing:  you must take care of the images! The user wants to see what you are selling him and will never dare to buy without tangible proof of the product’s existence or, more importantly, of the correctness of his choice. Although there is information written to the side (provided there is, but we will come back to this point later), the consumer wants to see the goods he is about to buy with his own eyes.

In this regard, it is necessary to warn you that it is not enough to insert any image taken from the web in the product sheet that depicts the product in question. No! Your consumer wants more, namely:

  1. Beautiful and professional photos (preferably taken by a professional photographer).
  2. High-definition images.
  3. Having the ability to zoom in on images to see the minor details.

These are not trivial tricks, we are sure of it, but we can assure you that in terms of customer loyalty, they will make you make giant strides. So remember that image optimization is critical.

Product Descriptions Identical To Other Sites Or Even Missing

In this case, we are talking about two different types of errors that concern the same sphere of action, i.e., the description of the product that your eCommerce intends to sell. Most online sales sites have duplicate content problems. Why? As you know, many eCommerce retailers of big brands produce a description for each item to be included on their direct sales site.

It often happens that the online retailer of this brand chooses to adopt the same report developed by the manufacturer. As you can imagine, this generates a chain reaction that reaches Google’s decision to “hide” the offending eCommerce from the results: the contents are identical. 

Therefore they have been copied, which leads Google to think that they are not original and, therefore, not rationally valuable for the user. So how can you solve this problem? The quickest solution is to take the time, perhaps every day, to rewrite the product descriptions in your own words. The technical characteristics cannot be changed, but in this way, you will be able to give personality to your sales method thanks to precise but captivating communication. Your effort will win over not only Google but the user as well.

If, on the other hand, you have never entered a description next to the product image, you have made a severe mistake but different from the one described above. In this case, to search for the technical characteristics, the consumer must scroll down the page and find them in the boxes with more in-depth information.

Unless the user has already decided to buy this product and wants to ascertain in detail that he has made the right choice, the average consumer does not have time to look for information: this must be immediately visible next to the image to give him the possibility to evaluate instantly. Once convinced, he will continue searching for more detailed information and in the purchase.

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