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Collaboration: Telekom And Microsoft Are Merging Their Solutions

For the first time in India, Deutsche Telekom announces an innovation in Microsoft Teams that will soon be available for companies of all sizes. “Mobile for Microsoft Teams” promises efficient administration.

As the first provider in India, Telekom has announced an innovation in Microsoft Teams: “Mobile for Microsoft Teams.” Here, the best mobile network in India and the software companies use for collaboration are merged. Integrating business customers’ mobile phone numbers is a significant extension of Teams alongside the already possible integration of landline and dial-in conference numbers.

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Regardless of location and device, users can make calls directly in Teams and domestic and international calls with incoming and outgoing cell phone numbers. The additional use of chat and video conference functions is a matter of course. With Mobile for Microsoft Teams, Microsoft and Telekom create a future-oriented solution for communication and collaboration.

Installed Quickly And Allocated Flexibly

With Mobile for Microsoft Teams, all telephony services, including mobile communications, can be managed directly in the Microsoft Teams Admin Centre. The setup is straightforward: Telekom customers import the phone numbers of the suitable business customer contract directly into teams and assign them to their users.

Companies can react quickly and flexibly to the individual needs of their employees and receive a comprehensive solution from a single source. The boundaries between telephony and meetings, mobile and desktop devices, and office and field service are becoming even more blurred. And the efficiency of administration goes hand in hand with the efficiency of use.

Collaboration: Two Worlds Grow Together

No call is lost because the seamless merging of teams with Telekom’s mobile network secures every connection. Even if there is no data connection, users can still make mobile calls and work together in groups.

Thanks to the mobile integration, the user has only one call history, one voicemail, and one presence status across teams and the mobile device. The world of authentication via e-mail addresses is growing together with the world of uniquely assigned cell phone numbers.

Cell phone numbers and teams are virtually physically coupled. “Busy” on the mobile device also means “Busy” on all other devices in Teams – and vice versa. In addition, well-known and familiar UCC functions (UCC: Unified Communication and Collaboration) of teams, such as deputy or out-of-office rules, are available on the go. If an absence message is set up in Outlook, a corresponding text is played on the mobile mailbox. The media break is in the past.

The Working Environment And Collaboration Will Continue To Change

Even after the pandemic, the working environment will continue to change. For example, IDC predicts a sharp drop in local business meetings to 25 percent for 2024,” said Hagen Rickmann, Managing Director of Business Customers at Telekom Deutschland GmbH, when presenting the joint solution at Digital X on September 14 in Cologne.

This creates a seamless fixed-mobile convergence and significantly increases the resilience of companies.” Regardless of location and device, users can make calls directly in Teams and domestic and international calls with incoming and outgoing cell phone numbers.